Monday, November 10, 2008

Price Check Please!

Here's a question....When in the world did Old Navy become the same price as The Gap? I knew they were owned by the same company but I thought that Old Navy was always the cheaper of the two. I went in there on Saturday to buy a coat for P because I knew they were having their outerwear sale. Well, the prices were "okay" on sale, but if they hadn't been on sale they would have been the exact same price as The Gap. I'm just wondering when this happened and why? Here's your example...Both of these coats are $69. The first one's Gap and the second one's Old Navy. I didn't even know Old Navy sold children's clothes for $69.


Jamie said...

I'm with you, I always thought Old Navy was supposed to be cheaper!?

Mindi D said...

RIDICULOUS! Thats just ridiculous!

Sharlet said...

What is up with that! Horrible! Old Navy shouldn't have anything for kids over $50 if you ask me! (maybe not even adults)

The Steel's said...

Yes, I agree. Old Navy is getting kinda pricey and I would say the quality of their gear is not as good for sure. I love my Old Navy coat I just bought though, for only 45 dollah!

SoBella Creations said...

I always thought Old Navy was the cheaper version of the Gap also. That is ridiculous for a child's coat.

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