Monday, December 8, 2008

Snoopy Brings G-Man To Tears

Because of the holidays, they've been showing all of the Charlie Brown specials on tv and my kids love them, as did I when I was little. Well, last week, I put on Snoopy, Come Home for the kids and then went into the other room to read. I had never seen this one before and had no idea what it was about. Just like the others I presumed. Well, about 45 minutes later I heard the tv click off and G came slowly into the room looking a little distraught. He came and sat by me and said, "Mom, I think that movie made my eyes water." I looked closer at his face and saw that his eyes were just brimming with tears. I asked what it was about and he went on to say, "Well, Snoopy had a different owner and so he didn't get to stay with Charlie Brown so they threw him a party and gave him presents and they were all crying really hard!" At this point, G-Man's lips began to quiver and the first tear ran down his cheek. Suddenly he burst out of the room, down the hall, into the bathroom and slammed the door! I of course laughed quietly to myself and waited for his return. A few minutes later, he came back into the room red-faced and astonished and said, "Mom, I think that movie Made Me Cry!" I said I think you're right G. I have never in my life seen him cry over something he was sad about. He cries when he gets hurt still, but it's a different cry. This was sensitive and amazing to me. I saw a whole different side to him. The next morning he came in and said he wanted to watch it again. Before I started it, he stopped me, and ran into the bathroom. He came out with a whole box of tissues and said, "I think I'm going to need a few of these."

*No one is to speak a word of this to G. He would die of embarrassment if he knew people knew.



i think that is sweet & precious!

Watching Charlie Brown & Snoopy makes me cry, too! :O

Becky said...

That is cute. Emma has done that a few times.

Mindi D said...

I am laughing and tearing up at the same time! That is precious!!

LoGunns said...

I love it! He's awesome:)

The Steel's said...

Oh that is sweet, he is a tender hearted young boy. I love that story.

Clare said...

what a sweet little man, such a cute story!!

MOMMY-MOMO said...

awwww...thats soo sweet!

Mikki said...

So sweet!! How old is he?
I'm fairly new to your blog. Came over from Merrianne's during your giveaways, and I think I'll keep visiting. You have a cute, cute blog!!

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